Thursday, June 21, 2007

Reason #17 Why I Love Rich Uncles

My two favorite uncles live in Nigeria and London and they are very wealthy petroleum engineers. I happen to be each of their favorite niece, but I don't tell the other that because I don’t want them to get jealous and stop the flow of money. Anyway today I just found out that my favorite British uncle will be sending me and my sisters on an all expense week long trip to London this August!!!!!! I'm more then a little excited because this suck ass job and my mediocre life have been depressing me. So I really need this vacay. My extremely generous uncle has also just sent me 1000 pounds which has increased my bank account by $1911.19!!! He just sent it, for no reason, simply because I'm great!!! My hater ass sisters will probably want a cut of the dough but it's okay. I'll share cuz I'm nice like that=)

I really feel sorry for my future husband, because my father and uncles have spoiled me something serious. My future husband will have no choice but to buy me pretty things and send me on lavish vacations in order to win my undying love♥

Money makes me happy=)


Nikita T. Mitchell said...

That's whats up!! Enjoy your vacation. I'll be over there workin hard while u enjoy what the city has to offer.

Oh, and I'm already feeling the pity for future hubby lol

Elle* said...

Funny! Love this blog.