Monday, September 10, 2007


As you may have discovered from reading my blog, I am incredibly dramatic. It should come as no suprise then that I have friends that are equally as dramatic. This past Friday my best guy friend called me and my cousin in an extremely distressed fashion and asked him to meet him for dinner. My friend is usually a jovial person so his depressed tone had me and my cousin perplexed. On our way to dinner me and my cousin ran through all the possible reasons he could be depressed and why he would need to see us so urgently. We came up with the following possible scenarios:

1. His mother has found him a wife and is forcing him into an arranged marriage. This option was highly feasible because he's from Afghanistan and because his mother brought two potential wives to his graduation party.

2. He was fired from his new teaching positon at a Muslim private school for forcing the students to learn the pledge of allegiance. So now he needs to borrow money from both of us

3. He's dying

Option three was least likely because he's only 23 and is fairly healthy. But the idea gained more steam once we started putting our facts together. Our friend had mentioned how he caught a strange bug in Europe at the beginning of the summer that he never treated because he doesn't have any insurance. We also noticed that on some of his new myspace pictures he looks about 40 lbs lighter. In our regular dramatic fashion me and my cousin had determined that our dear friend was in fact dying from a tragic and horrible disease and would be telling us tonight at Guapo's Restuarant and Bar that he only has six months to live. Since our friend showed up for dinner about half an hour late we had plenty of time to work ourselves into hysterics. The fact that we had downed large margaritas before he arrived did not help with our emotions. When he finally sat down he had tears in his eyes and was shaking so hard that he couldn't take a sip of his drink. He begins by telling us how much he loves us and that we are his closets friends on the planet and that he hope we won't be too hurt by what we're about to hear. The tension is too much and by now all three of us are at the damn table crying. We beg him to just spit it out that we can handle whatever he throws at us.

He tells us that he's gay...

We reply with, "Are you fucking kidding me? That's what you had to tell us?"


He's more of a Will then a Jack but he is CLEARLY homosexual. It's something we've known since freaking middle school. I'm proud that he finally stopped lying to himself and us but he really put us through changes. Turns out that the bug he caught was nothing serious at all, and that he lost weight because he wanted to look good for his new gay life. He then told us that he wanted us to come to a gay bar with him next week and we instantly jumped at the chance (neither one of us has ever been). I'm pretty excited to see how it turns out and of course I'll let you guys know how goes=)

1 comment:

Nikita T. Mitchell said...

LMAO! No you didn't just kill the boy ! That is just wrong. Well it's good to hear he has supportive friends (no matter how traumatic his issue could be!